The latest version of your favorite trivia game is available in the two main stores:

If you'd like to know more about this update, scroll down a little bit.


  • Only  the best 30 clan members' season points count in the clan rank list (but all members still can contribute to collecting gold for the clan treasury). We will mark the  members on the clan list which player's points won't change the clan's rank list position. With this change during the summer holidays clans  still will be competitive and keep their positions on the rank lists. And of course you don't need to reduce the number of the clan members to 30.
    We will reduce the clan's best season points with 75% so there won't be unbreakable scores on the rank list.
  • We fixed the bug of joining clans (there was a problem with the higher Legend levels)

  • You can open a player's profile page from the system message on the clan chat (system messages like XY joined the clan)


  • We  redesigned the engine of the tournament. You already helped us test it few weeks ago. Thanks for participating the History Tournament and helping us.
  • We needed to start working on the Tournament because in the season coming at autumn we'd like to release the "Team Game" mode. We'll be testing this new game mode during the summer with a Hungarian Youtuber. But at the end of this year we will release some Team Games in Triviador. This game mode means that 2 bigger group of players play against each other, like girls vs boys.
  • In July (when the new season starts) we will set up a series of Sport Tournaments (if you'd like you'll be able to choose a mission which connect to this Tournament series)


  • We will release the new kind of optional missions only in the season of July (when everyone has the new version on her / his devices).
  • There is 4 new optional missions in this version which will be released during July, August: (we will share all the necessary information about the new missions in time)
    • Tournament Mission,

    • Thematic Tournament Mission

    • collecting gold for the Clan Treasury

    • Daily Global Rank List Top1000

  • Those who've completed (or will complete in the future) all their ongoing missions will get a bigger reward


  • In the Community menu we made some changes. Your last private messages will be shown on the chat messages tab.