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The new missions are available.

You can find the most important information about it in our Help menu:

but if you scroll down a little bit you can read a summary of the fundamentals of the system.

From now on you can find the missions in the bottom right corner on the home page. Click on the Treasure Chest.

There are 4 types of the missions:

  1. Pre-League Missions (it's for the beginners; these missions are only available for players under 54,000 Season Points)
  2. League Missions (these missions are only available between Emerald level and Legend level, so between 54,000 and 132,000 Season Points)
  3. Ongoing Missions (this type of missions will be opened when you reach the League level - a.k.a 54,000 Season Points / Emerald level)
  4. Optional Missions (these missions are only for the Legends)

You can find details about the first two types of mission in the Help menu. The last two will be discussed briefly in this news.


The Ongoing missions work relatively the same as the "old missions". There are 7 groups of Ongoing missions. Each group contains 7 levels of the missions. You start every group on level 1st. If you complete the first level the second level will be available. You can collect your reward immediately after completing the mission.

It can happen that you complete all the 7 levels in one group, but in the other you're only on level 2nd.

These missions don't have deadlines.


These new Optional Missions are only for the Legends. You need to complete these missions in one season.

We introduced this type of missions to be able to collect more rewards than before at the end every season. 

You HAVE TO decide on 3 things in these missions:

  1. Which missions you'd like or you can complete during the season (you can choose 2, but if you're a Dragon Order member you can choose 3 missions)
  2. Which level of the mission you can complete during the season
  3. What kind of rewards you'd like to get for your completed missions at the end of the season.

Change of the reward of the end of season (Season Closing Prizes):

In the previous seasons you could collect approximately 280,000 Gold at the end of every season (depends on your collected season points).

From now on (instead of the season end reward) if you complete 3 optional missions you can get 600,000 Gold, or if you have 2 optional missions and complete these you can get 400,000 Gold.

Very important change! You can choose from 3 kind of rewards. So if you don't need any gold, you can choose to get boosters or gems (whatever you need).

Keep in mind you'll get your rewards if you complete the missions you chose!